New TV Ad: Critz on Side of PA Seniors

New TV Ad: Critz on Side of PA Seniors

For Immediate Release
May 12, 2010

New TV Ad: Critz on Side of PA Seniors

A new television ad, which began airing today in Western Pennsylvania, lauds 12th congressional district candidate Mark Critz for his strong support for Social Security and lowering prescription drug costs for senior citizens.

To the view the ad, go to

The ad states that Mark Critz has signed a pledge to oppose privatizing Social Security, a major issue in this race.  Critz’ opponent, Republican Tim Burns, has been the recipient of several endorsements from political leaders who support a privatized Social Security run by Wall Street investment firms.

The 30-second spot, an independent expenditure by the Alliance for Retired Americans Political Action Fund, will run on a heavy ad buy during programming with large senior audiences across the 12th congressional district.

Below is a transcript of the ad:

Why are seniors across Western Pennsylvania voting Mark Critz for Congress?

Because Mark Critz alone signed the pledge not to privatize Social Security, so your retirement won’t be gambled away by Wall Street. Critz will make sure Medicare is sound and always there. And Mark Critz will fight for real relief for seniors through lower prescription drug costs.

On May 18th, stand with the Alliance for Retired Americans and Western Pennsylvania seniors. Vote Mark Critz for Congress.

The Alliance for Retired Americans Political Action Fund is responsible for the content of this advertisement.

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The Alliance for Retired Americans is a national organization that advocates for the rights and well being of over 4 million retirees and their families.


Contact:   David Blank (202) 637-5275 or

“Seniors have elected a real friend to Congress.  As the President’s National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform comes up with its recommendations, the Alliance looks forward to working with Mr. Critz on protecting Social Security.